To the Athletes & Coaches:
It takes much hard work when building a successful track program. Most importantly it takes the right people and a workable plan. The greatest plans will not succeed unless the right people make it a workable plan.
We have this Harry Green Invitational Track Meet, because the right people saw a need and dedicated themselves to turning a dream, and a workable plan, into reality.
Harry Green Chevrolet supports the efforts of the Bridgeport High School track program because we saw the right people involved in a workable plan. It is easy to support a program with a vision of success.
That's how life is. Harry Green Chevrolet was established back in 1959 on the west end of Clarksburg. Harry Green had graduated from Bridgeport High School in 1943. After spending several years in the Marine Corps he married Jonnie Priestly, the daughter of a Madison, West Virginia car dealer. Harry quickly learned what it took to be successful in the car business.
So why did Harry Green Chevrolet become successful? Upon what principles was the business established?
People do business with people they trust and people buy their second, third, fourth cars from people they really trust. Harry Green Chevrolet is a business built on doing business the right way. It has grown by defining our beliefs and structuring an organization to reflect those beliefs. We believe in the Golden Rule. We believe in upholding strong Christian ethics. We believe in hard work and in making money the old fashioned way, by earning the trust of the customer.
To you athletes and parents who are attending these events sponsored by Harry Green Chevrolet, we want to make the point that hard work and strong values must be emphasized to the greatest degree. Always strive to do your best in everything you do. A successful person, one who is respected by his or her peers, is one who can hold their head high, after a win or loss, after knowing you have worked your hardest, have done your best and have done things the right way.
Thanks, and have a great time.

Hal Green & Harry Green