The Harry Green Invitational will be held at Bridgeport High School’s Wayne Jamison Field on Saturday April 18, 2020. Field events will begin at 11:00am and running events will begin at approx. 12:00pm. All events will run on a rolling schedule for a double session meet (click here to view schedule).
The Harry Green Middle School Statewide Invitational will be held at Bridgeport High School’s Wayne Jamison Field on Saturday May 16, 2020. Field events will begin at 11:00am and running events will begin at approx. 12:00pm. All events will run on a rolling schedule for a double session meet (click here to view schedule).
For the Harry Green Invitational your entries should be emailed (griff@bridgeporttrack.com) by:
April 13th for the High School Meet
May 11th for the Middle School
The track at Wayne Jamison Field has a 6-lane polyurethane rubberized running surface. The field events have polyurethane rubberized runways and high jump apron along with concrete throwing circles. All running events will be timed with a FinishLynx automated timing system. Meet results and scores will be posted throughout the meet. All results will be posted on RUNWV.com and in various local newspapers.
For the High School meet each school will be allowed enter up to 3 athletes per individual event and 1 team per relay event.
For the Middle School meet each school will be allowed enter up to 3 athletes per individual event and 1 team per relay event.
School participating in the Pole Vault must have a weight verification for their vaulters. The PV Weight Verification form can be downloaded here and must have the signatures of the head coach, athletic director and principal.
There will be NO Entry Fee and you must use the Hy-Tek Team Manager Computerized Entry System.
Go to www.BridgeportTrack.com to download the event file or click on the link above for the Harry Green Invitational to use with the Hy-Tek Team Manager Entry Software.
Trophies will be presented to the first and second place boys and girls teams and high point boy and girl. Medals will be presented to 1st place finishers in each event (including relays). Ribbons will be awarded for 2nd through 6th places.
The concession stand will be open and available throughout the meet.
Meet T-Shirts will be on sale while supplies last.
The Oliverio’s Ristorante Hospitality Room will be available for coaches and meet workers during the break.
Additonal Information:
1. Packets will be available starting at 9:00am at the Finish Line Building. Coaches meeting at 10:30am in the Bullpen at the Finish Line. I will collect Pre-Meet Meeting Forms at this time.
2. Scratches need to be completed by 10:15am. Please make relay changes at this time if you know them. No changes will be made after the meet has started (relay changes will be permitted on a relay card when the athletes check into the bullpen for their race). Coaches meeting will be at 10:30am.
3. Relay cards will only be needed if you make changes after turning in your scratch sheet Saturday morning. If needed, have the athletes turn them in at check-in.
4. Teams and tents must be set up on the visitors side of the field. Either in the visitors bleachers or behind them. The press box side bleachers are for spectators, not athletes.
5. The shot and discus are located behind the timing building near the finish line. .
6. Coaches are not allowed inside the fenced and caution taped areas of the field.
7. The Hospitality Room is for Coaches, Officials and Meet Workers. We will exit the gate behind the visitors bleachers to go the High School Cafeteria following the 400m dash. The Hospitality Room will be catered by Oliverio’s Ristorante.
8. Disrespectful behavior toward officials will be dealt with by removal of the coach from the meet and a report filed with your principal and the WVSSAC. If you have a complaint see Coach Griffith.
9. No ahtletes electronic devices will be permitted inside the fenced area of the field, in the bullpen or any competition areas. If they are seen the athlete will be disqualified, the device confiscated and returned to their coach.
10. Lots of information can be found on the meet website: http://www.bridgeporttrack.com/harrygreeninv/Harry_Green_Statewide_Invitational/Main_Page.html
11. All rules, including uniform rules, will be strictly enforced.
12. Tape is not permitted on the track or runways. Non-adhesive markers may be used (tennis ball halves, etc.). Tape is allowed on the black asphalt beside the PV and LJ runways, but not on the runway.
13. We will provide 6 sets of blocks at each corner of the field. They should remain on that corner of the field. You may use your own blocks if you prefer.
1. Remind your parents that parking is available behind the High School, in front of the Middle School, and at the City Park. All spectators must enter through the front gate of the field or behind the visitors side of the field gate. The Bridgeport City Park bridge gate will be locked. Do not climb over the gate.
2. Spectators will be charged $5.00. If they don't like that, ask them not to come. Our administrators are dealing with an increasing number of unnecessarily rude people at the gate.
3. Parent tents are allowed on the home side bleachers, please place them at the top of the stands against the top railing.
4. Spectators are not allowed inside the fenced and caution taped areas of the field.
5. The shot and discus are located behind the timing building near the finish line.
6. A limited number of T-Shirts will be available for sale.
1. Athletes will not be allowed to wear spikes on the football field. This will result in disqualification from the meet.
2. Athletes will not jump the fences. If caught, they will be disqualified from the meet. They must enter the track via the wooden steps by the finish line building.
3. Athletes need to report to the bullpen when their event is called, not earlier.
4. If an athlete must leave a field event for a running event, they must check out with the official and return as soon as possible when their running event completes.
5. Athletes must pay attention and listen to all instructions from meet officials. Remember your heat and lane assignments. Running in the wrong heat or lane will result in disqualification.
6. Following their event athletes need to collect their belongings and leave the bullpen area and return to the bleachers.
7. Athletes must be quiet and respectful in the bullpen.
8. No electronic devices will be permitted inside the fenced area of the field, in the bullpen or any competition areas. If they are seen the athlete will be disqualified, the device confiscated and returned to their coach.
9. Disrespectful behavior toward officials will be dealt with by disqualification from the meet.
10. A limited number of T-Shirts will be available for sale.
11. All rules, including uniform rules, will be strictly enforced.
12. Tape is not permitted on any of the rubberized surfaces. Non-adhesive markers may be used. Tape is allowed on the asphalt beside the PV and LJ runways, but not on the runway.
13. We will provide 6 sets of blocks at each corner of the field. They should remain on that corner of the field. You may use your own blocks if you prefer.
Thanks for your cooperation with these items. I am giving you this information with ample time to review it, so that there should be no misunderstandings. If you have questions feel free to ask me.
We are hoping for a smooth and exciting day at the track. Best of luck to all the teams, athletes and coaches!
Jon Griffith
Bridgeport Track & Field